Our back-to-school tips

Check out our top tips to help you start off the school year on the right foot.

Megan Miller

Ready or not, a new school year is here. And that means that your daily routine as a student, parent, or teacher may get shaken up a bit from what your days looked like during the summer. There’s no getting around the fact that weekdays during the school year can feel extra busy, from early morning bus routes to late night homework. But like in all seasons of life, your health can and should still remain a top priority during this busy time. Here are four of our favorite tips for staying on top of your health and fitness as you adjust to going back to school.

#1: Meal prep

The days seem to pass by in a blink of an eye, so we better prepare ourselves for them. Food is fuel for our bodies, so what you eat makes a huge difference in how you feel during the day. Planning and preparing nourishing, whole foods with high protein content is key to feeling your best in and out of the classroom. If you aren’t sure where to start, here’s a cheat sheet for meal planning: Determine a protein (P), carbohydrate/fat (C/F), and color (CL). 

An example of a well-rounded meal could be ground turkey (P), pasta (C), and broccoli (CL). A snack could look something like cottage cheese (P), crackers (C), and pumpkin seeds (F/CL). Eating well does not have to be complex. In fact, it can be incredibly simple. But during busy times of life, such as the school year, planning ahead is key to ensure that we’re reaching for nutrient-rich foods instead of foods that will leave you feeling sluggish or unsatisfied. Having plenty of healthy snacks and well-balanced meals ready to go will make your school week feel less rushed, and will help you to feel energized and nourished.

#2: Plan your week 

Five months ago, my husband and I welcomed our first son. I now have five months of experience of syncing schedules with a little one, and I know it is no easy task. But with that being said, there simply is not an excuse to carve out time - even if they are small chunks of time - for you. When it comes to exercise, grab your planner or calendar and schedule appointments with yourself to make it to the gym. Then, just like you would with any other meeting, make sure to show up for it! One other tip: It’s okay if you have to mix up your schedule a bit to fit your workouts in. Normally an evening gym-goer but have a busy week with after-school commitments every night? Then switch things up and plan to get your workouts in during the mornings instead. Again, write it into your calendar and then follow through with what you said you’d do. One of our favorite sayings at Rise is: Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. 

#3: Sleep 

As I write this blog at 5:00 in the morning after being up with a 5 month old, I know sleep may seem impossible at times. Quality sleep is one of the most important aspects of your health and overall wellbeing. My best advice is to establish a bedtime routine. You’ve likely heard all these sleep hygiene tips before, but they’re worth repeating because they are that important (and that effective!). To prioritize good, quality sleep, make sure you are: Having a consistent bedtime, sleeping in a cool and dark room, and limiting screen time at least an hour before bed. One other tip I’ve found useful is keeping a notepad by my bed to jot down any thoughts, to-dos, or ideas that pop into my head as I’m winding down for the night. It helps me quiet down my mind without having to pull out my phone to jot something down.

#4: Self care 

Like they tell you on every flight, be sure to put your oxygen mask on first. If you are a parent, teacher, student, or spouse, it’s crucial that you take care of yourself so you can then take care of the people around you. This can look different for everyone, but some simple ways to care for yourself include: Taking time in the morning to enjoy a hot cup of tea or coffee, going for a walk, or taking a few minutes to read, pray, or meditate. Of course, prioritizing the first three tips outlined above in this blog are also great ways to care for yourself and your health.

When we show up for ourselves, even for just a few minutes a day, we are able to better show up for those around us. Making self care a non-negotiable part of your day will pay dividends during a busy season of life like the school year. 

Want to talk more about meal prep, fitting workouts into your week, proper sleep, and self care? These are just a few of the things that our Rise team is passionate about! Head here to schedule a Free Fitness Consultation with one of our coaches to see how we can help you be your best self during the school year and beyond.