How to keep a routine on the weekend
Ellie Brewer
Weekends are a time to rest and reset for the upcoming week, but what we do on the weekends still matters when we have goals we are working towards. Keep reading to learn about ways our coaches stick to their routine on the weekends, as well as some tips to help you develop habits you can use every day of the week.
Set alarms on your phone
We give this advice to many of our members who are starting to teach themselves how to drink more water. Sometimes we have the best intention to make a change, but our days get busy and we simply forget. Weekends can be especially difficult because we are out of our normal routine, which is why having a reminder in the form of an alarm can be so helpful. If there are any habits you notice get thrown out the window during the weekend, try setting alarms on Saturday and Sunday to give yourself that extra reminder to get it done.
Get movement in
Even though it’s the weekend, your body will thank you for getting up and moving around. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, but simply going for a walk or playing a game of pickleball will get your happy hormones flowing and help work out any soreness left over from the week’s workouts. Even better yet, you can fill your exercise bucket and your social bucket at the same time if you invite a friend to join you on your walks. (Coach Megan is always looking for walking buddies!) Movement is a priority every day, so don’t forget about it on the weekends.
Include a protein with every snack or meal
Sometimes our meals on the weekends look different, and that’s okay! Even when our routine is varied and our meal times may differ, it’s key to make sure you get at least three solid servings of protein in. This could look like a big brunch, a small high protein snack, and a big dinner, or 4-5 smaller, snack-like meals. If you prioritize protein on the weekend, you will maximize your muscle growth from the week’s workouts. In addition to this, protein will leave you feeling full and satisfied, which will decrease your desire to reach for chips or snacks right after you eat a meal. Coach Ellie’s favorite weekend meal is a charcuterie board with apple, cheddar cheese, grapes, deli meat, and a side of Greek yogurt or cottage cheese.
Weekend routines are tricky, but with some planning and proactivity, you can still work to hit your goals and build healthy habits on your days off. Reach out to a Rise coach with any questions you have about weekend routines.